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We Are Scuba Certified

Underwater Repairs

Underwater Repairs = Money Saved

Here at Aquarius Pools we are scuba certified which allows us to do underwater repairs.

Companies without a scuba certification are forced to drain pools to fix many problems, wasting time and water.

Take for example vinyl liner pools; when the liner gets punctured or torn we simply dive down, find the hole and patch it. Uncertified companies must drain the pool and walk the pool till they find the problem, which takes more time and ends up costing you more.

underwater repair & lead detection

Here at Aquarius pools we are scuba certified. With years of experience in underwater repair & lead detection.

The benefits of having a company that can do the repair without draining down the pool. Will save you in down time and water costs.

We are able to fix pool lights, stair treads, and broken main drain covers just to name a few repairs.

Our most common underwater repair is leak detection. It’s vital to have a company at your disposal that can find and fix pool leak in a timely manner. To stop further damage to the pool and the compiling water bill.

Let's Talk About Your Pool & Spa

The covers are made of high quality dura mesh vinyl or polypropylene. The mesh’s shape and tautness is formed by triple stitched straps that are pulled tight and held in place by stainless steel tension springs. These springs are covered by an anti fouling rubber cover. The springs attach to brass anchors that are counter sunk into the pool deck when not in use. All of our pool covers come with a twelve year warranty and are made with quality material to with stand the Outer Banks harsh conditions.

We are able to custom design your cover to fit any size or shape pool with a color of your pool.

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Aquarius Pools & Spas